Sunday, November 11, 2012

Things To Do:

My buckey list consists of: TRAVELING and ownership!!!!!

I would like to travel to as many countries possible.   I'd like to navigate each country with my significant other and child for at least one month at a time.

I would like to build my own home.  I didn't know until I got older that having your own home is one of the most desirable goals in life.  I would definately love to build and handle my own home before I die,until I die.

I would like to get married and live the fairytale life.  Not a guarantee, but a wish-this is a bucket list, right?

I would like to go scuba diving and to travel underwater in a ssubmarine.  You know the kind of sub that you can look through the glass and watch everything swim around you.
I would like to some day own my own business.  I can't tell you how much I'd want to make, but I do want my business to be VERY successful.

I would like for my husband to be tall, dark, and (just kidding), but God knows my heart, and I know someday it will happen.

Paid In Full

If I were to win the lottery, I would go BANANAS!  No really- I would really go 
For the most part, I think I would handle winning the lottery very well.  I would not live this extraordinary lifestyle or life.  What I mean by that is that I would live very conservatively.  I wouldn't let any of my neighbors know anything about my financial status or let my family and friends in on the fact; but I would do my best to be a helping hand, if possible.  I wouldn't set myself up to give ALL of of my money away, but I would just-so-happen to be able when needed.

I would definately go on the BEST vactions and live it up!  There is nothing wrong with having a good time and experiencing life to the fullest, as long as you are being safe.  While on vacation, I would probably try to do all the things that are not available at home or in my own community.  Then once I return home, I would probably be in "retirement mode."

My home would be beautiful and fulfilling.  I feel that I should not have to leave home for entertainment; therefore, I'd make my home compatible with whatever I'm in the mood for.  Of course I would have a couple of cars and a dog.

One other thing I would do, is expose my child/children to various cultures.  We would travel to different countries so that they'd know that there is more out there that just the U.S.  When they get older and grown, they will have the option of where they want to live and know about the world enough to make an educated decison.

I would also, keep my job.....I would be bored all day if I didn't.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sending My Love To You- A Tribute

If I could make a tribute to anyone in the world, it would be my mother.  She managed to raise three children, while in school, and by herself.  Sheila Windom, my mother is from Kosciusko, MS, but has lived in Starkville, MS since 1986.  This is the year that she entered college at Mississippi State University.  She went to class everyday and came home every evening to make sure that her three kids were cared for.  She sacrificed her young adulthood to care for us, she sacrificed her own wants for us, and loved us unconditionally- even though motherhood brought along very difficult times.  She stood strong through it all and WE MADE IT!!!! 
I love my mother and wouldn't trade her for any other mother in the world.  Some times I think about all the things we went through growing up- and in some ways, all four of us (me, my brother, sister, and mom) grew up together.  My mom was very young when she began to have children and she was the baby of her siblings, so there were lots of things she had to learn from us; such as how to be a caretaker, instead of the spoiled bratty one that's always getting taken care of and having her  Even with that being said, she definately prepared us for real-life situations.  She was unable to prepare me for all things, but there were times that I know I would have not made it through, if it weren't for her teaching me.  For that, I appreciate her and am SO thankful that God picked me to be with her.  Without her, I would be lost.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here or There

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be California.  California has all the best weather, food, clothes, entertainment, and some great beaches.  I have been there many times and each time I go, there is always something different to do that I didn't get to do the last time.  And it is a place that I always look forward to visiting, no matter what.

If I could live anywhere else, it would probably be Miami.  A very good friend of mine lives there and each time I go to visit, the sun does something special to my skin.  I always come back with a deep peachy-like glow that is incredable and my hair always looks like I've gotten golden highlights- It's great.  I haven't been there in years, but I really look forward to going back one day.

If I could live anywhere in the US, I would live in the woods somewhere.  I would love nothing more that to have a beautiful home built in the country; miles and miles away from everyone else (not really), but I really would like the privacy. 

There are so many places that I think would love to live, as long as there is a nice variety of good food- I'd settle down anywhere!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Between Me and You

There are many things that I know about myself that others do not.  There are also many things that I wish I knew about myself, that others might already know.  If I did know everything about myself, things would probably be alot different; maybe even perfect. As for what I do know, let me give you a little more insight. 

I may look mean; but I am actually the opposite.  I am very nice, sweet, and a good counselor.  You can talk to me about anything and I will keep your most feared, deepest, and darkest secret; forever.

I might look cocky and arrogant.  The truth is that I am one of the most down-to-earth individuals you will ever meet.

I might look like I'm 22, but on October 15, 1984, I'll be 28 years old.  My son says that I look like a teenager.

I believe that the soul of a person gives a person's face its characteristics.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I have only had 2 boyfriends, ever.

Two of my best friends are millionaires.

I'm actually very shy.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Songs That Inspire Me

I like to believe that I am a very versatile and well-rounded individual, but only when it come to certain things:  My beliefs, my clothes, and my music; just to name a few. 

I enjoy all types of music of different genres.  I believe that all artists have their own ways of expressing themselves, whether it be through words or composing.  What better way is there to get your thoughts and emotions out in the open?  Some people like to write poems, some like to draw, or even paint to express themselves.  Well, since I am not a writer, artist, or composer; I kind of just like listening to music that relates to whatever is on my mind.

Music, believe it or not, can influence people as well as their moods, thoughts, and actions.  Music tells a story, it sets the tone, it makes you dance, it makes you mad, and it can even depress or embarrass you.  I can remember a time that I was around some of my family and I just so happened to turn the radio on (after loaning my car to someone) and there was a song playing on the cd that I would have never wanted my mother to hear.  IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!  I turned beet red and flipped the switch of the radio to "off" immediately.  Just like this blog, everyone has access to it and it would be nice to hear something powerful and inspiring.

Gospel music sets the tone for any audience (lol, but not a joke).  It doesn't matter- you can't go wrong with Jesus.  I also just love, love, LOVE a good love song.  Even if your choice of music is rap, hip-hop, rock, blues, etc.; whatever it is, it's all good.

There is nothing better than listening to good music that you can sing and relate to, cook a meal to, take a soothing bath to, and do some meditating.  I would hope that all listeners take heed to what they are listening to and observe themselves while listening to see what musics does for them and what impact it has on their individual lives.