Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sending My Love To You- A Tribute

If I could make a tribute to anyone in the world, it would be my mother.  She managed to raise three children, while in school, and by herself.  Sheila Windom, my mother is from Kosciusko, MS, but has lived in Starkville, MS since 1986.  This is the year that she entered college at Mississippi State University.  She went to class everyday and came home every evening to make sure that her three kids were cared for.  She sacrificed her young adulthood to care for us, she sacrificed her own wants for us, and loved us unconditionally- even though motherhood brought along very difficult times.  She stood strong through it all and WE MADE IT!!!! 
I love my mother and wouldn't trade her for any other mother in the world.  Some times I think about all the things we went through growing up- and in some ways, all four of us (me, my brother, sister, and mom) grew up together.  My mom was very young when she began to have children and she was the baby of her siblings, so there were lots of things she had to learn from us; such as how to be a caretaker, instead of the spoiled bratty one that's always getting taken care of and having her  Even with that being said, she definately prepared us for real-life situations.  She was unable to prepare me for all things, but there were times that I know I would have not made it through, if it weren't for her teaching me.  For that, I appreciate her and am SO thankful that God picked me to be with her.  Without her, I would be lost.


  1. Very nice post to honor your mother. I would like to see some creativity, more gadgets, links, videos, music, or other expansions of your blog in the next three weeks.

  2. I enjoyed reading your tribute to your mother. She sounds like a very strong woman.
