Monday, October 15, 2012

Between Me and You

There are many things that I know about myself that others do not.  There are also many things that I wish I knew about myself, that others might already know.  If I did know everything about myself, things would probably be alot different; maybe even perfect. As for what I do know, let me give you a little more insight. 

I may look mean; but I am actually the opposite.  I am very nice, sweet, and a good counselor.  You can talk to me about anything and I will keep your most feared, deepest, and darkest secret; forever.

I might look cocky and arrogant.  The truth is that I am one of the most down-to-earth individuals you will ever meet.

I might look like I'm 22, but on October 15, 1984, I'll be 28 years old.  My son says that I look like a teenager.

I believe that the soul of a person gives a person's face its characteristics.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I have only had 2 boyfriends, ever.

Two of my best friends are millionaires.

I'm actually very shy.


  1. I am glad you added a picture this week. I will be watching to see if students add new elements, gadgets, and design features to their posts each week. So make sure you are looking at fellow classmate blogs (and commenting on them) to get ideas from them. Also make sure that you keep your writings full and conversational. Nice job this week.

  2. I don't think that you look cocky. I think that you look like a very confident young woman, who knows what she wants!
