Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paid In Full

If I were to win the lottery, I would go BANANAS!  No really- I would really go 
For the most part, I think I would handle winning the lottery very well.  I would not live this extraordinary lifestyle or life.  What I mean by that is that I would live very conservatively.  I wouldn't let any of my neighbors know anything about my financial status or let my family and friends in on the fact; but I would do my best to be a helping hand, if possible.  I wouldn't set myself up to give ALL of of my money away, but I would just-so-happen to be able when needed.

I would definately go on the BEST vactions and live it up!  There is nothing wrong with having a good time and experiencing life to the fullest, as long as you are being safe.  While on vacation, I would probably try to do all the things that are not available at home or in my own community.  Then once I return home, I would probably be in "retirement mode."

My home would be beautiful and fulfilling.  I feel that I should not have to leave home for entertainment; therefore, I'd make my home compatible with whatever I'm in the mood for.  Of course I would have a couple of cars and a dog.

One other thing I would do, is expose my child/children to various cultures.  We would travel to different countries so that they'd know that there is more out there that just the U.S.  When they get older and grown, they will have the option of where they want to live and know about the world enough to make an educated decison.

I would also, keep my job.....I would be bored all day if I didn't.

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