Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here or There

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be California.  California has all the best weather, food, clothes, entertainment, and some great beaches.  I have been there many times and each time I go, there is always something different to do that I didn't get to do the last time.  And it is a place that I always look forward to visiting, no matter what.

If I could live anywhere else, it would probably be Miami.  A very good friend of mine lives there and each time I go to visit, the sun does something special to my skin.  I always come back with a deep peachy-like glow that is incredable and my hair always looks like I've gotten golden highlights- It's great.  I haven't been there in years, but I really look forward to going back one day.

If I could live anywhere in the US, I would live in the woods somewhere.  I would love nothing more that to have a beautiful home built in the country; miles and miles away from everyone else (not really), but I really would like the privacy. 

There are so many places that I think would love to live, as long as there is a nice variety of good food- I'd settle down anywhere!


  1. I'm with you on the good food...!! That makes all the difference!

  2. Never thought anyone from the south actually liked California LOL. Sounds like a great place to visit.

  3. Never been there. That is a goal of mine to visit all the United States. And the food does help when it comes to traveling. We went to Savannah, GA and just had to go to the Paula Dean place. Wow, now that was so good, Y'all.

  4. I would love to see more substance to your blog. I encourage all of the students to look at each other's blogs to get ideas. I really want you to add more writing, more gadgets, and links, and photos, and videos, and design elements in your blog.

  5. I haven't been to California, but it sounds like a great place to live.

  6. I enjoyed every minute when I went to California.
